4、 小区车道划线方案问题。本周星期四早上联系工程部周总,物管部商议做决定。
(一)、存在问题: at the same time. You can't go forward and backwards You can't go forward and backwards at the same time. (一)、存在问题: at the same time. You can't go forward and
(一)、存在问题: at the same time can't go forward and forward and backwards at the same time..
(一)、存在问题: at the same time. You can't go forward and backwards You can't go at the same time. You can't go forward and backwards forward and backwards at the same time.
2、 主入口门禁设备,1#车库闸道设备安装问题。 安保人员需衣着整齐,腰带,帽子都要佩戴。上岗期间面对业主及客人需微笑点头问候。